
Async and Await


JavaScript Course


Asynchronous code can become difficult to follow when it has a lot of things going on. async and await are two keywords that can help make asynchronous code read more like synchronous code. This can help code look cleaner while keeping the benefits of asynchronous code.

For example, the two code blocks below do the exact same thing. They both get information from a server, process it, and return a promise.

function getPersonsInfo(name) {
  return server.getPeople().then(people => {
    return people.find(person => { return === name });
async function getPersonsInfo(name) {
  const people = await server.getPeople();
  const person = people.find(person => { return === name });
  return person;

The second example looks much more like the kind of functions you are used to writing. However, did you notice the async keyword before the function declaration? How about the await keyword before server.getPeople()?

If you’d like to try running these functions on your own, paste the following code block representing a server before the function definitions. How this “server” works is not important and is just an abstraction. The goal here is so that you can see that both functions behave exactly the same and return a promise.

const server = {
  people: [
      name: "Odin",
      age: 20,
      name: "Thor",
      age: 35,
      name: "Freyja",
      age: 29,

  getPeople() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      // Simulating a delayed network call to the server
      setTimeout(() => {
      }, 2000);

Lesson overview

This section contains a general overview of topics that you will learn in this lesson.

  • Explain how you declare an async function.
  • Explain what the async keyword does.
  • Explain what the await keyword does.
  • Explain what an async function returns.
  • Explain what happens when an error is thrown inside an async function.
  • Explain how you can handle errors inside an async function.

The async keyword

The async keyword is what lets the JavaScript engine know that you are declaring an asynchronous function. This is required to use await inside any function. When a function is declared with async, it automatically returns a promise; returning in an async function is the same as resolving a promise. Likewise, throwing an error will reject the promise.

An important thing to understand is async functions are just syntactical sugar for promises.

The async keyword can also be used with any of the ways a function can be created. Said differently: it is valid to use an async function anywhere you can use a normal function. Below you will see some examples that may not be intuitive. If you don’t understand them, come back and take a look when you are done with the assignments.

const yourAsyncFunction = async () => {
  // do something asynchronously and return a promise
  return result;
anArray.forEach(async item => {
  // do something asynchronously for each item in 'anArray'
  // one could also use .map here to return an array of promises to use with 'Promise.all()'
server.getPeople().then(async people => {
  people.forEach(person => {
    // do something asynchronously for each person

The await keyword

await does the following: it tells JavaScript to wait for an asynchronous action to finish before continuing the function. It’s like a ‘pause until done’ keyword. The await keyword is used to get a value from a function where you would normally use .then(). Instead of calling .then() after the asynchronous function, you would assign a variable to the result using await. Then you can use the result in your code as you would in your synchronous code.

Error handling

Handling errors in async functions is very easy. Promises have the .catch() method for handling rejected promises, and since async functions just return a promise, you can call the function, and append a .catch() method to the end.

asyncFunctionCall().catch(err => {

But there is another way: the mighty try/catch block! If you want to handle the error directly inside the async function, you can use try/catch with async/await syntax. If JavaScript throws an error in the try block, the catch block code will run instead (this can also be used for synchronous code).

async function getPersonsInfo(name) {
  try {
    const people = await server.getPeople();
    const person = people.find(person => { return === name });
    return person;
  } catch (error) {
    // Handle the error any way you'd like

Doing this can look messy, but it is a very easy way to handle errors without appending .catch() after your function calls. How you handle the errors is up to you, and which method you use should be determined by how your code was written. You will get a feel for what needs to be done over time. The assignments will also help you understand how to handle your errors.


Remember the Giphy API practice project? (If not, you should go back and complete the API lesson). We are going to convert the promise based code into async/await compatible code. Here’s a refresher of the code we are starting with:

  const img = document.querySelector('img');
  fetch('', {mode: 'cors'})
    .then(function(response) {
      return response.json();
    .then(function(response) {
      img.src =;

Since await does not work on the global scope, we will have to create an async function that wraps our API call to Giphy.

  const img = document.querySelector('img');

  async function getCats() {
    fetch('', {mode: 'cors'})
      .then(function(response) {
        return response.json();
      .then(function(response) {
        img.src =;

Now that we have a function that is asynchronous, we can then start refactoring from using promises to using await:

  const img = document.querySelector('img');

  async function getCats() {
    const response = await fetch('', {mode: 'cors'});
    response.json().then(function(response) {
      img.src =;

Since response is still the same object we have passed to the .then() block at the start, we still need to use the .json() method, which in turn returns a promise. Because .json() returns a promise, we can use await to assign the response to a variable.

  const img = document.querySelector('img');

  async function getCats() {
    const response = await fetch('', {mode: 'cors'});
    const catData = await response.json();
    img.src =;

To use this function, we just need to call it with getCats() in our code.

  const img = document.querySelector('img');

  async function getCats() {
    const response = await fetch('', {mode: 'cors'});
    const catData = await response.json();
    img.src =;

This code will behave exactly like the code from the last lesson; it just looks a bit different after refactoring. async/await are very useful tools when it comes to cleaning up asynchronous JavaScript code. It is important to remember async/await are just promises written in a different way. Do the assignments below, and dive deeper into the understanding of async/await.


  1. Read this Async and Await article for a solid introduction to async/await. This Async and Await examples article also has some good examples of its use.
  2. Watch this Async and Await video by Wes Bos for a good overview on async/await and its purpose, along with a special trick.

Knowledge check

The following questions are an opportunity to reflect on key topics in this lesson. If you can’t answer a question, click on it to review the material, but keep in mind you are not expected to memorize or master this knowledge.

Additional resources

This section contains helpful links to related content. It isn’t required, so consider it supplemental.

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